In an ideal world, everyone could saunter down to the docks and leisurely barter with their local fishmonger for the catch of the day. But for those without the time, inclination for bartering, or access to the ocean, we’re here for you.
Wildly Delicious
The difference in taste between wild and farmed seafood is extraordinary.
That’s probably because seafood from sustainable wild fisheries is free from chemicals, antibiotics, and pesticides.
It is better for us, and better for the environment. -
Nothing fishy
Most of the farmed shrimp sold in stores is imported, yet only a fraction of it is inspected by regulatory agencies. It likely contains a bevy of unwanted and toxic chemicals, pesticides, and antibiotics, and is often soaked with a chemical called sodium tripolyphosphate (STTP) to appear firmer, smoother and glossier.
Proudly au natural!
Our wild and organic shrimp are free from all unwanted chemicals and toxins – and they don’t need to be soaked in anything to be firm, smooth, and glossy.
They are proudly au natural!