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How to Cook Wagyu Beef & Steak

How to Cook Wagyu Beef & Steak

For those who love meat - eating Wagyu beef is the ultimate indulgence.

Here in Canada you won't find many restaurants serving it, but those who do proudly feature it under their specialty sections. Still, most "Wagyu" you find on menus across North America aren't genuine Japanese A5 Wagyu like we offer at Farm2Fork - they are American-bred, and are mixed with angus cattle.

If you want to experience authentic Wagyu beef you should order from our list of incredible Wagyu options now, and cook them at home. 

But how do you cook Wagyu at home? You may think be thinking "Surely cooking such high end meat requires complicated cooking methods?"

Nope! Cooking Wagyu at home is actually quite simple - here's how:

Thawing & Defrosting Your Wagyu 

Our Wagyu is delivered frozen in a vacuum-sealed package, and should be placed into a freezer until it's ready to be eaten. Once you're ready to eat it, place the beef on a dish in its sealed package and keep it in the fridge for about six hours per pound to thaw (aim for the minimum thawing time to maintain freshness).

Next, pull the meat out of the fridge, and let it rest at room temperature. 

Seasoning Wagyu

On its own, Wagyu already has a remarkable taste and texture. That's why this meat needs very little seasoning.

All this meat needs is a light sprinkle of some Himalayan Pink Sea Salt - anything else will only mask the experience.

Cooking Wagyu

The best way to cook Wagyu is at high heat in a cast-iron or stainless-steel pan. Because of the abundant marbling, cooking over an open flame may result in flare-ups that could singe the meat. In fact, you don’t even need to add any oil to the pan.

Once the pan is hot enough, sear the meat on all sides. Japanese A5 Wagyu is cut much thinner than most North American beef steaks, so once the outside is seared, the inside should be perfectly cooked.

Also, don't worry about the meat drying out while you cook it. Wagyu is full of delicious intramuscular fat, which does not allow it to dry out like other cuts - instead, It essentially bastes itself while cooking.

How To Eat Wagyu

Wagyu is exceptionally rich, so it's not a cut you should serve as a giant slab to be enjoyed at one sitting. Wagyu is best savoured in small quantities. Serve in thin slices and make a point to really savour every bite.

A couple of good accompaniments to a rich cut of Wagyu are: 

  1. A crisp green salad with a light oil vinaigrette
  2. Miso mushrooms

Overall, when you serve your Wagyu, make sure it's the star!

Order Wagyu Beef

Ready to try some genuine A5 Japanese Wagyu? Don't wait, order now and get delivery straight to your door!

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